Thursday, March 24, 2011

Looking forward

It seems like a lot and nothing as been going on around here. A lot of change but then really not much all at the same time. If that even makes sense. This will probably be a very random post!

I'm getting impatient for it to be June. I'm also counting down the weeks until April because I feel like that's when things get busy and start happening. But I'm really missing the one person who always made Spring my favorite time of year.  My Mom and I did EVERYTHING together this time of year. It's so weird to think of where I was just a year ago. It feels like just yesterday and I can't believe it's been a year this week since my Mom started her 3 week stay in the hospital and last 4 weeks on Earth.

It makes me feel pretty sad thinking that soon I won't be able to reference back to "last year when Mom was still here" because soon it's going to be a year past and I almost feel like I have to be in this certain place and that people are going to stop thinking about it and I have to be done grieving in a certain way. That sounds really stupid! Obviously they aren't, I know that, but life does go on.

The nice weather yesterday felt so good! We were able to go out and enjoy it as a family. Last year I spent this first 3 weeks of Spring sitting in a hospital. We have some fun things to look forward to though this Spring. Ryan's going to start T-ball next week and Corey and I will be coaching. I'm a little nervous because Corey just left his job that has been his only job ever! He's now working for himself with his brother and Dad which is what he's always wanted but leaves a lot more responsibility. So, I might be head coach and him assistant coach. I'm not really used to the leader roll. I'm really used to being sort of in the background. Oh well it'll be good for me and it's the one sport where I am in my element. Corey and I do have difference of opinions when it comes to techniques and what to teach Ryan though, we'll have to iron those out :) It's the difference in baseball and fastpitch.

I have been horrible with pictures this whole year! These are the last few I've taken.

At the river in Everson

Swinging at Bender

Some very cheesy two year olds that get to play together today


  1. Lisa....thank you so much for sharing. And I love the pictures! The kiddos always make me smile! Life does go on but I am always thinking about you girls and your mom. The grieving may lessen but will never go away.
    love you sweetie!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I am feeling the same way. You look like mom in that picture of you on the swing. It made me happy.

  3. That is so cool that you are coaching! Fun, you will do great! Feel free to let the kids come over and run around anytime you are at Joelle's, it is so nice to have that option and be outside right now... :)

  4. Love those cheesy 2 year olds! I forget how close in age Jovie and Finn are and how special of friends they'll be growing up. Thank you for watching her the other day. Obviously she had fun...pretty sure I made that same cheesy face as a 2 year old. Beth's right, you do look like mom in that special. Love you!

  5. Sounds like you have lots of fun things to look forward too this Spring. Praying for your family too!!
